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Mexico Vacation Preparation Checklist

Ready to go scuba diving with dolphins? Squish your toes in the sands of Mexico? And soak in the warming rays of the sun? Sounds like it’s time for a vacation! But wait. Are you as ready to go as you think you are? Use our “double check it” checklist to make sure you really are prepared to go on your Mexico vacation.

Beach in Mexico

Apply for a Passport- Do this approximately 3 months in advance. This will give you plenty of time to deal with any delays that may occur. Typically speaking though, it should only take 4-6 weeks to have your passport mailed to you.

Double check the expiration date and be sure that it is good for at least 90 days after the day you leave for your vacation. This is a requirement to enter Mexico, plus, being prepared is always a smart idea; you just never know what kind of mishaps can occur like getting stuck in the area for longer than you intend to be there.


Get Immunized - This should happen around 5 weeks before your planned departure. When visiting Mexico the most important immunizations to get are Hepatitis A & B, Rabies, and Typhoid. But be sure to check with your doctor and see if they have any other suggested immunizations.


Malaria? - Check the areas you will be staying in or visiting. Are they known for having malaria outbreaks? If so, you’re going to want to prepare yourself for that. Before you leave, get antimalarial prescriptions from your doctor, just in case. Malaria is transmitted through infected mosquitos, so pack a large can of bug spray and use it vigorously. Lastly, bring a bed netting that will keep the mosquitos away from your skin while you sleep.


Get a SIM Card- Most cell phones will work out of the country, but the cost is outrageous! Other cellphones just plain won’t work if you aren’t in the United States. Check the rates your service provider is going to charge you, and then compare them to a company like Mexico SIM Card and see if purchasing a special SIM card will help control the rates and allow you to use your phone on your trip to Mexico.


Check on Your Health Insurance Status - You may be surprised to see that your plan may not cover you if you are out of the country. Or, your coverage is only for specific features. Even if you don’t make changes to your plan before leaving, it is smart to be aware of the coverage you will and will not have on your trip.


Contact Your Bank - Most banks have a safety feature that alerts you if your cards are being used in international areas; they may even shut off access to your account if they detect fraud. This means it is important to tell them you’ll be traveling, and where you’ll be! Then the bank will know that those charges are from you, and that your account doesn't need to be frozen.


Make Copies - Make an extra copy of your itinerary, passport, and visa to give to a family member that will be staying in the states while you are gone.

  • Also, it is a good idea to make several copies of your airline tickets, passport, and car and hotel reservations so you can have a copy of each in several different bags.

Did we remind you a few things you hadn’t checked yet? Good! We’re happy to help. Have any other ideas that people might forget when planning a trip to Mexico? Give us a holler in the comments below.

